Incredible game by Leela C Zero and Stockfish 16.
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[Event “CCRL Blitz”]
[Site “CCRL”]
[Date “2023.07.12”]
[Round “187.6.642”]
[White “Stockfish 16 64-bit 8CPU”]
[Black “Lc0 0.29.0 64-bit w753723 RTX2080”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “3805”]
[BlackElo “3720”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “-“]
[ECO “B66”]
[Opening “Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer Variation, Neo-Modern Variation, Early Deviations”]
[Termination “Unterminated”]
[Annotator “”]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bg5 e6 7. Qd2 a6 { B66 Sicilian Defense: Richter-Rauzer Variation, Neo-Modern Variation, Early Deviations } 8. O-O-O h6 9. Nxc6 bxc6 10. Bf4 d5 11. Qe3 Bb4 12. Be2 O-O 13. e5 Nh7 14. a3 Be7 15. h4 c5 16. Bxh6 gxh6 17. Qxh6 f6 18. Bf3 Bb7 19. Bh5 Qc7 20. Ne4 Bd8 21. Rh3 Kh8 22. Rg3 Ra7 23. Kb1 d4 24. Nxc5 Bd5 25. Bg6 Qg7 26. Qh5 Qc7 27. Nd3 fxe5 28. Nxe5 Bf6 29. Re1 Rb7 30. Kc1 a5 31. Rg4 Bxe5 32. Rxe5 a4 33. f3 d3 34. Bxd3 Qb6 35. Bxh7 Qg1+ 36. Kd2 Qd1+ 37. Kxd1 Rg7 *