In this video, GM Ben Finegold goes through a variety of games in history involving the Fried Liver Attack (Traxler variation), using a different set of games for the over 1400 class than the games used for the U1400 Fried Liver Attack lecture. This lecture was recorded December 3, 2017 at CCSCATL.
Games Discussed:
Kalichkin, Igor vs. Tahirov, Farhad, Tula (2002)
Johnstone, Glenn vs. Finegold, Ben, USA Open (1992)
Gorbunov, Oleg vs. Yagupov, Igor, Donskoj STEK Cup (2003)
Krasnov, Yury vs. Leonov, Mikhail, Donskoj (2007)
Jamrich, Gyorgy vs. Dudas, Jan, Budapest (1996)
Malada, Vinko vs. Doric, Nenad, Rijeka (2001)
Small, Simon vs. Van Tilbury, Craig, Novi Sad (1990)
Originally posted on the CCSCATL channel, but moved here for channel consolidation.
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