Happy Birthday to Bobby Fischer ! It was Fischer’s Birthday on 9th of March, and I thought to cover one of his cool games from the Interzonal Tournament of 1970, the 1st leg of his road to the World Championship title. He won the tournament convincingly with a score of 18.5 /23, Thus Qualifying to the Candidates tournament.
This game was played in Round 22, against Grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric, who was one of the world’s top players of his time, a famous chess journalist and author as well as a musician ! Fischer employed the Benoni Defence A LOT in this tournament , successfully, and this game is a great example of how fun and dynamic a Benoni can get ! Hope you like the video, really enjoyed analysing the game and explaining it !
#BobbyFischer #SvetozarGligoric #Interzonal1970 #Benoni
There is a book written on this tournament, in Spanish language, you can find it here : https://tiendachessy.com/chessy/938-interzonal-de-palma-de-mallorca-1970-9788494817908.html
Book by Svetozar Gligoric on the Fischer – Spassky Match : https://www.amazon.in/Fischer-vs-Spassky-World-Championship/dp/0671213989
Bobby Fischer’s my 60 Memorable Games : https://www.amazon.in/My-60-Memorable-Games-strategies/dp/190638830X/ref=pd_sim_1?pd_rd_w=Ydf5v&pf_rd_p=50deb200-8a68-4ed8-a116-c63752e766fe&pf_rd_r=M8SF2QP7D9PTZFVX8JN6&pd_rd_r=d76d0cbc-f6a9-4def-ba2e-b86b04eb27cb&pd_rd_wg=j2BIs&pd_rd_i=190638830X&psc=1
( NOT A PAID PROMOTION, these are just cool books for cool kids π )
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