Tomi Nybäck (born 3 April 1985 in Järvenpää) is a Finnish chess grandmaster and poker player.He won the Finnish Chess Championship in 2008 and is the No. 1 ranked Finnish player as of February 2018.
He played for the Finnish team in the Chess Olympiads of 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.He is one of the few players to have a positive lifetime score against World Champion Magnus Carlsen.
Chess career:
Nybäck tied for first with Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and Mateusz Bartel in the European Under-18 championship of 2002, taking the bronze medal on tiebreak. In April 2002, he won the First Saturday GM B tournament in Budapest. In 2003 he won the Heart of Finland chess tournament in Jyväskylä.
Nybäck won the Finnish Championship in 2008 with a score of 9/9 points. In the same year he tied for second with Emanuel Berg at the Najdorf Memorial round-robin tournament (category 15, 2608) in Warsaw.
Nybäck tied for second place in the European Individual Chess Championship of 2008 by scoring 8/11, and this result allowed him to qualify for the Chess World Cup 2009.In the 2009 edition, he scored again 8/11, tying for first with other nine grandmasters. At the World Cup Nybäck knocked out Dmitry Andreikin in the first round to reach round two, where he was eliminated by Peter Svidler after tiebreaks.
In 2010, he took part in the Corus B tournament at Wijk aan Zee and scored 5/13.
[Event “Dresden ol (Men) 38th”]
[Site “Dresden”]
[Date “2008.11.19”]
[Round “6”]
[White “Nyback, Tomi”]
[Black “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “2634”]
[BlackElo “2786”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “-“]
[ECO “D37”]
[Opening “Queen’s Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense, Blockade Line”]
[Termination “Normal”]
[Annotator “”]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 Be7 5. Bf4 O-O 6. e3 Nbd7 7. c5 { D37 Queen’s Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense, Blockade Line } c6 8. Bd3 b6 9. b4 a5 10. a3 Ba6 11. O-O Qc8 12. Qc2 Bxd3 13. Qxd3 Nh5 14. Be5 Qb7 15. Rfc1 Rfc8 16. h3 Nxe5 17. Nxe5 b5?! { (0.49 → 1.30) Inaccuracy. axb4 was best. } (17… axb4 18. axb4 b5 19. Rxa8 Rxa8 20. Qd1 Nf6 21. Ra1 Rxa1 22. Qxa1 Bd8 23. g3 Ne4 24. Qe1) 18. Rcb1? { (1.30 → 0.14) Mistake. bxa5 was best. } (18. bxa5) 18… Qc7?? { (0.14 → 2.14) Blunder. a4 was best. } (18… a4 19. e4 Rf8 20. exd5 exd5 21. Qf3 Nf6 22. Re1 Rae8 23. Re3 Nd7 24. Rae1 Bd8 25. Qg4) 19. a4 axb4 20. axb5 bxc3 21. Nxc6 Nf6 22. Qxc3 Bf8 23. Rxa8?! { (2.65 → 1.91) Inaccuracy. Ne5 was best. } (23. Ne5) 23… Rxa8 24. Ra1 Ne4?! { (2.30 → 3.39) Inaccuracy. Qb7 was best. } (24… Qb7 25. Rxa8) 25. Qb2 Re8?! { (3.28 → 4.26) Inaccuracy. Rxa1+ was best. } (25… Rxa1+ 26. Qxa1) 26. Ne5 Nxc5?! { (3.44 → 5.13) Inaccuracy. f6 was best. } (26… f6 27. b6) 27. b6 Qb7 28. Qb5?! { (4.87 → 3.47) Inaccuracy. Ra7 was best. } (28. Ra7 Qb8 29. dxc5 Bxc5 30. Nd7 Qd6 31. Qb5 Bxb6 32. Nxb6 Rd8 33. Nd7 h6 34. Qb7 Qe7) 28… Ra8 29. Rxa8 Qxa8 30. dxc5 Qa1+ 31. Kh2 Qxe5+ 32. g3 d4?? { (2.29 → 7.59) Blunder. h6 was best. } (32… h6 33. Kg1) 33. b7 Qf5 34. Qb2 dxe3 35. fxe3 Qxc5 36. b8=Q Qxe3 37. Qc7 h6 38. Qbc2 Qd4 39. Q7c4 { Black resigns. } 1-0
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