Nihal Sarin managed to beat Anish Giri in the semi-finals of the Global Championships 2022 in the Armageddon! It was a thrilling match and IM Sagar Shah brings you all the critical moments of the match.
Nihal Sarin is now in the finals and playing against Wesley So who beat Hikaru Nakamura in the semis. The winner of the finals takes home US$200,000 (Rs.1.6 crore) and the runner-up goes home with US$100,000 (Rs.80 lakh). For now Nihal is trailing in the finals with a score of 3-1 and today is day 2. We wish him all the best and hope that he manages to make a strong comeback!
GM Nihal Sarin vs GM Wesley So
The format-
1) The 32 players who qualify from the Play-in phase join 32 invited players;
2) They play a 64-player single-elimination bracket;
3) Players are divided into eight groups of eight players each according to their timezone;
4) Matches consist of four 15+2 rapid games;
5) If the match ends in a tie, a single rapid armageddon game determines the winner. White gets 15 minutes and must win, with a bidding system to determine who plays Black with draw odds. Players communicate privately the amount of time they are willing to get to play as Black; the lower time offered wins the bid, and that player starts with the amount of time bid. If the bid is tied, the higher-seeded player chooses the color.
The top-eight players move on to the CGC Finals, while the remaining 56 players share the total prize fund of $440,000 for the CGC Knockout.
Video: ChessBase India
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