Mikhail Tal handed Tigran Petrosian a rare 20-move loss in a blitz game in 1975 when Petrosian got his caught in the center and Tal unleashed a beautiful tactical sequence. In fact, Tal’s conclusion recalled two beautiful and famous short masterpieces: Morphy’s Opera Game (and final checkmate) and Fischer vs. Fine’s concluding proffered queen exchange. Why isn’t this gorgeous miniature better known? Well… at the end, Petrosian missed a great save!
* Know your classics and your checkmate patterns.
* Never forget about your back rank.
* Keep a clear eye. Just because it “feels” like you are losing doesn’t mean there are no resources left.
* When your opponent is uncastled, strive to keep them in the middle and underfire at all material cost.
#chess #mikhailtal #operagame
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