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(4/4) On another note I could do with some tips on how to get a good sleep. It seems like I am a fully fledged insomniac. 😵💫
I was in bed at 1am last night but didn't even manage to get 1 minutes sleep after tossing and turning all night. Been awake for about 40 hours now. 😱
Join us for the US Chess Championships Opening Ceremony in conjunction with celebrating the new inductees into the Chess Hall of Fame at the @AquariumSTL tonight! Check out https://saintlouischessclub.org/2022-us-championships-opening-ceremony for more info and tickets!
#STLChessClub #WorldChessHOF #USChessChamps #HallofFame
Black to move in today's Daily Puzzle! ♜
Do you see a way to take control of this game? 🤔
Daily Puzzle: 10/04/2022 - A Tale of Two Centralized Pieces
Test your wits with our daily chess puzzles! Sharpen your chess skills with our repository with more than 10 yea...
(3/4) I missed one very likely obvious winning move.
Here I played Bg2? but I should just play Qh6!
For some reason I had missed ...Qxh6 Bxh6 ...Nxc3 a3! Which is game over.
In the end I lost 😔 after Johann played excellently.
♟️🔥New pod! 🔥♟️
The ever-charismatic, IM @GregShahade!
In this episode:
☑️ How blitz can improve your #chess if you follow his 2 suggestions
☑️ Classic & hilarious trash-talking
☑️ Will he ever do chess boxing? (Q courtesy of @Bennyficial1)
🎙️Listen: https://www.adultchessacademy.com/blog/Ep-37-How-Blitz-Can-Help-&-Time-Management-&-Trash-Talking-with-IM-Greg-Shahade