Hello chess friends and welcome to a new opening series, welcome to our studies of the 150 attack. With this attack you can destroy the Pirc or Modern defense easily.The setup f2–f3, Be3 and Qd2 is commonly used against the King’s Indian Defence and Dragon Sicilian, and can also be used against the Pirc; indeed, this system is as old as the Pirc itself.
The system 4.f3 was introduced by Argentine players c. 1930 and again in 1950. It was never considered dangerous for Black because of 4.f3 Bg7 5.Be3 c6 6.Qd2 b5. It received a severe blow in about 1985, when Gennady Zaichik showed that Black could castle anyway and play a dangerous gambit with 5…0-0 6.Qd2 e5.
The Argentines feared the sally …Ng4, though some British players (especially Mark Hebden, Paul Motwani, Gary Lane, later also Michael Adams) came to realise that this was mainly dangerous for Black, therefore playing Be3 and Qd2 in all sorts of move orders, whilst omitting f2–f3. They called this the 150 Attack, because players of this strength (ELO 1800) can easily play this position and get strong play without any theory.[10]
The original Argentine idea probably is only viable after 4.Be3 Bg7 5.Qd2 0-0 6.0-0-0 c6 (or Nc6) 7.f3 b5 8.h4. Black usually does not castle though and prefers 5…c6 or even 4…c6. The question of whether and when to insert Nf3 remains unclear.
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