Against a player rated 2070 in this 15+15 game, Black meets my Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5) with the notoriously sound Berlin Defense (3...Nf6). Seeking to deviate from the Berlin endgame and usual variations, I respond with a rare defense of the e-pawn, 4.Qe2. Although I build an attractive pawn chain (c3+d4+e5 with the f-pawn joining later), the middlegame produces … [Read more...] about Ruy Lopez Rumble | Standard Chess #300
John Bartholomew
“Bad Marriage” in the Caro-Kann | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 1410
In this continuation of the "Climbing the Rating Ladder" series I take on players of various ratings levels while pointing out typical mistakes and spots for improvement along the way (possibly my own!? :)). Here I commentate a 10+5 game against a player rated 1424 on Working against my Caro-Kann (1.e4 c6), my opponent opts for a common, but not-so-challenging setup … [Read more...] about “Bad Marriage” in the Caro-Kann | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 1410
Fearless 1800 poses Difficult Decisions | Standard Chess #299
Facing a talented 1821 in this 15+15 game, I go for a "center fork trick" in the Pirc Defense to break up my opponent's center. Although I feel optimistic, my opponent surprises and impresses me with two sharp decisions: 8.Bxc7 (a move I underestimated), and, later, 14.Nd5 (tricky, and another move I underestimated!). An instructive battle ensues. Review this game on … [Read more...] about Fearless 1800 poses Difficult Decisions | Standard Chess #299
Attacking a Stranded King in the Center | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 1424
In this continuation of the "Climbing the Rating Ladder" series I take on players of various ratings levels while pointing out typical mistakes and spots for improvement along the way (possibly my own!? :)). Here I commentate a 15+10 game against a player rated 1424 on Playing the Hyper Accelerated Dragon (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6), my opponent calls an audible on the … [Read more...] about Attacking a Stranded King in the Center | Climbing the Rating Ladder vs. 1424
Massive Complications vs. Higher-Rated | Standard Chess #298
Facing a 2362 lichess Classical opponent, I head for a quirky variation against the Neo-Grunfeld that is a favorite of Bosnian Grandmaster Predrag Nikolić (7.Na3!?). In the initial phases of the game both players suffer from sub-optimally placed minor pieces, but I'm able to grab space with my pawns and bring the game to a low boil as time begins to dwindle. At a critical … [Read more...] about Massive Complications vs. Higher-Rated | Standard Chess #298