In this series of Hans Niemann Against the World, Hans Niemann faces off against the legendary French Grandmaster, Étienne Bacrot, in an intense five-day event in Paris. Held at the Blitz Society, the competition will feature three days of classical chess (6 rounds), followed by one day of rapid (6 rounds), and one day of blitz (12 rounds). On the final day, there will be a … [Read more...] about HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 3 | Classical
Hans Niemann
HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical
In this series of Hans Niemann Against the World, Hans Niemann faces off against the legendary French Grandmaster, Étienne Bacrot, in an intense five-day event in Paris. Held at the Blitz Society, the competition will feature three days of classical chess (6 rounds), followed by one day of rapid (6 rounds), and one day of blitz (12 rounds). On the final day, there will be a … [Read more...] about HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical
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HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical
In this series of Hans Niemann Against the World, Hans Niemann faces off against the legendary French Grandmaster, Étienne Bacrot, in an intense five-day event in Paris. Held at the Blitz Society, the competition will feature three days of classical chess (6 rounds), followed by one day of rapid (6 rounds), and one day of blitz (12 rounds). On the final day, there will be a … [Read more...] about HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical
HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical
In this series of Hans Niemann Against the World, Hans Niemann faces off against the legendary French Grandmaster, Étienne Bacrot, in an intense five-day event in Paris. Held at the Blitz Society, the competition will feature three days of classical chess (6 rounds), followed by one day of rapid (6 rounds), and one day of blitz (12 rounds). On the final day, there will be a … [Read more...] about HANS VS BACROT | Hans Niemann Against The World | Day 2 | Classical