Torch is a brand-new chess engine built from the ground up by top chess engine developers. The team is composed of: Andrew Grant (Ethereal), Finn Eggers & Kim Kåhre (Koivisto), Jay Honnold (Berserk), and Michael Whiteley, and Dietrich Kappe (Dragon). Mark Lefler and Larry Kaufman have been advisors to the project.
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[Event “CCC20 Bullet: Finals (1|1)”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “2023.07.19”]
[Round “1”]
[White “Stockfish”]
[Black “Torch”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “?”]
[BlackElo “?”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “60+1”]
[ECO “B00”]
[Opening “Owen Defense”]
[Termination “Unterminated”]
[Annotator “”]
1. e4 b6?! { (0.36 → 0.95) Inaccuracy. e5 was best. } { B00 Owen Defense } (1… e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O Nxe4 5. Re1 Nd6 6. Nxe5) 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 e6 4. Nf3 d6 5. O-O Nd7 6. Nc3 g6 7. Bg5 Ne7 8. Qd2 h6 9. Be3 Bg7 10. Rfe1 Nf6 11. Rad1 a6 12. h3 b5 13. a3 d5 14. e5 Ne4 15. Qc1 Nxc3 16. bxc3 Qd7 17. Nh2 Nc8 18. Ng4 h5 19. Nf6+ Bxf6 20. exf6 Nb6 21. Bf4 O-O-O 22. Qb2 Na4 23. Qb3 Qc6 24. Re3 Qb6 25. Rde1 Bc6 26. Bxg6 fxg6 27. Rxe6 Rhf8 28. Bh6 Rf7 29. c4 dxc4 30. Qg3 Rdd7 31. R1e5 Qxd4 32. Rxc6 h4 33. Qf4 Qxf4 34. Bxf4 Kb7 35. Rce6 Nc3 36. Bg5 Nd5 37. f4 c5 38. f5 gxf5 39. Rxf5 b4 40. axb4 cxb4 41. Bxh4 Rh7 42. Bg3 c3 43. Bd6 b3 44. cxb3 c2 45. Ba3 Nc7 46. Re1 Rhf7 47. Rc1 Rd1+ 48. Rf1 Rxf6 49. Rcxd1 cxd1=Q 50. Rxd1 a5 51. Rd3 Re6 52. h4 Kc6 53. Kf2 Rf6+ 54. Kg3 Rf5 55. Kh3 Rf1 56. h5 Ra1 57. Kh2 Rf1 58. h6 Rf7 59. g4 Rh7 60. g5 Na6 61. Bc1 Nc5 62. g6 Rxh6+ 63. Bxh6 Ne6 64. Bf8 Kc7 65. Re3 Kd7 66. Ba3 a4 67. bxa4 Nd4 68. g7 Nf5 69. Rd3+ Ke6 70. g8=Q+ Ke5 71. Bb2+ Ke4 72. Qd5+ Kf4 73. Rf3+ Kg5 74. Qxf5+ Kh6 *
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