ShashChess, a Stockfish derivative by Andrea Manzo with the aim to apply the proposals of Alexander Shashin as exposed in his book Best Play: A New Method for Discovering the Strongest Move. First released in July 2018 subsequent ShashChess versions feature skill levels and handicap modes, NNUE, Monte-Carlo Tree Search with one or multiple threads in conjunction with alpha-beta, and various learning techniques utilizing a persistent hash table.
[Event “Import”]
[Site ““]
[Date “2024.07.20”]
[White “ShashChess GZ 64-bit 4CPU”]
[Black “Booot 7.1 64-bit 4CPU”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “3634”]
[BlackElo “3471”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “-“]
[ECO “C52”]
[Opening “Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Mieses Defense”]
[Termination “Unterminated”]
[Annotator “”]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 exd4 7. O-O Nge7 { C52 Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Mieses Defense } 8. Ng5 d5 9. Nxf7 Kxf7 10. exd5 Ne5 11. Bb3 Nf5 12. cxd4 Ng6 13. d6+ Kf8 14. dxc7 Bxc7 15. Nc3 Qd6 16. g3 Nxd4 17. Ne4 Qb4 18. Bd2 Qe7 19. Rc1 a5 20. Be3 Nxb3 21. Qxb3 a4 22. Qd5 Qe5 23. Qc4 Bd8 24. f4 Qf5 25. Bc5+ Ne7 26. Rfd1 Be6 27. Qd4 Bxa2 28. Qxd8+ Rxd8 29. Rxd8+ Kf7 30. Nd6+ Kg6 31. Nxf5 Rxd8 32. Bxe7 Rd3 33. Nd6 h6 34. Rc7 Kh5 35. Ne4 Be6 36. Bf8 Rd4 37. Nf2 Rd7 38. Rxd7 Bxd7 39. Bxg7 Kg6 40. Bb2 Kf5 41. Kf1 Ke6 42. Ke2 h5 43. Kd3 Kd5 44. h3
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