Incredible game by Stockfish against the Scholars Mate.
[Event “CCRL 40/15”]
[Site “CCRL”]
[Date “2024.08.07”]
[Round “938.3.739”]
[White “Stormphrax 5.0.0 64-bit”]
[Black “Stockfish 16.1 64-bit”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “3511”]
[BlackElo “3622”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “-“]
[ECO “C20”]
[Opening “King’s Pawn Game: Wayward Queen Attack”]
[Termination “Unterminated”]
[Annotator “”]
1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 { C20 King’s Pawn Game: Wayward Queen Attack } Nc6 3. Bc4 g6 4. Qf3 Nf6 5. Ne2 d6 6. h3 Bg7 7. d3 Be6 8. Bb3 h6 9. Bxe6 fxe6 10. Ng3 Qd7 11. Qe2 O-O-O 12. Nd2 g5 13. Nf3 Qe8 14. Be3 d5 15. O-O-O d4 16. Bd2 a5 17. a3 Bf8 18. Kb1 Nd7 19. h4 g4 20. Nh2 b5 21. Qxg4 h5 22. Qf3 Nb6 23. Ne2 Kb7 24. Qh3 b4 25. axb4 Nxb4 26. Nc1 Rb8 27. Nf3 Na4 28. Nb3 Nxd3 29. Nfxd4 Naxb2 30. Nxe6 Nxf2 31. Qc3 Qxe6 32. Qxb2 Qd6 33. Qa1 Nxd1 34. Rxd1 Bh6 35. Qxa5 Rhd8 36. Kc1 Kc8 37. g3 Rd7 38. Qa2 c5 39. Qa5 c4 40. Nc5 Qxd2+ 41. Rxd2 Bxd2+ 42. Qxd2 Rb1+ 43. Kxb1 Rxd2 44. Ne6 Rg2 45. Ng7 Rxg3 46. Nf5 *
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