The Champions Chess Tour consists of six events, culminating in the live, in-person Finals held in Toronto, Canada. The sixth event in the tour is the 2023 AI Cup, where the winner secures a place in the Finals.
The tournament starts with a qualifying phase that is available to all titled players except grandmasters. After the qualifiers, those who make it through join the grandmasters in the Play-in stage, from which the top players advance to the Knockout stage. The Knockout stage has three divisions, each with its own prize fund, and players earn Tour Points based on their performance in each division. At the end of the sixth event, the players with the most Tour Points qualify for the Finals.
[Event “Import”]
[Site ““]
[Date “2023.09.25”]
[White “Carlsen, Magnus”]
[Black “Nakamura, Hikaru”]
[Result “*”]
[WhiteElo “2940”]
[BlackElo “2793”]
[Variant “Standard”]
[TimeControl “900+3”]
[ECO “E94”]
[Opening “King’s Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Glek Defense”]
[Termination “Unterminated”]
[Annotator “”]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 d6 3. Nc3 g6 4. e4 Bg7 5. d4 O-O 6. Be2 Na6 7. O-O e5 { E94 King’s Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Glek Defense } 8. Be3 Ng4 9. Bg5 Qe8 10. dxe5 dxe5 11. Qc1 h6 12. Bd2 Kh7 13. c5 c6 14. Bxa6 bxa6 15. h3 Nf6 16. Rd1 Qe7 17. Be3 Ne8 18. Qc2 f5 19. exf5 gxf5 20. Re1 Qf7 21. Rad1 Rg8 22. Ne2 Be6 23. Ng3 Kh8 24. Nh4 Rf8 25. Bd2 f4 26. Ng6+ Kg8 27. Nh5 Bh8 28. Nxf8 Kxf8 29. g4 fxg3 30. Bxh6+ Kg8 31. Nxg3 Bxa2 32. Qe4 Bd5 33. Qg4+ Kh7 34. Qh4 Kg8 35. Ne4 Qf5 36. Rd3 Ng7 37. Nf6+ Kf7 38. Nxd5 Qxd3 39. Qe7+ Kg6 40. Qd6+ Kf7 41. Qd7+
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